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Welcome to the Consult Page for Personalized Case
This page is for individuals interested in case consultations.
For online consults, it is best to contact me first to get an idea of your requirements. I can decide which category you fit into, then set up a time and date for the consult. The payment is before the consult date. *I must receive payment no later than 1 day (24 hours) before the consult.
*All first-time online cases are initial consults unless you are an existing client. If it has been over 8 months since a consult, the case may fall into the Initial consult category.
Consults for doctors, students or "special cases" are considered Professional Consults for Continuing Education.
Online Payment
*Initial Consult


$325.00 CAD
45-90 min.
Review of Labs/Biopsy
Laboratory referral
Case research
Nutrition booklet
$75.00 CAD
Review of case
Review of findings
Report on progress
Recommendation adjustments
Professional Consult CE

$125.00/case CAD
Review of Labs/Biopsy
Pathophysiologic review
Laboratory referral
Case management expectations
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